Someone also use DevExpress VCL components ?


  1. I do, but I always try to use standard VCL components

  2. We use them too and we try to use always just them.

  3. We use specially because of TcxGrid, but always with parsimony.

  4. I like the layout style control too and they manage refresh of controls the right way almost all the time.

  5. Tommaso Ercole We do the same in our team! Components cx are more beautifull and usefull with LookAndFeel's property Michael Kochiashvili. Why do not try them ? For the Executable size, perhaps ?
    I think so the cxLookupComboBox component is so cool to use DB Id's...
    The cxGrid is just essential in projects ;-p
    (*sorry for my English... i'm a poor French ;-)

  6. Alexandre Novalski what's that "Parsimony"! how do you use it ?

  7. We try to use Standard VCL always as possible. Incidentally, DevExpress components increase the size of the executable.

  8. Always use DevExpress....especially TcxGrid and LayoutControl...

  9. +Alexandre Novalski, ok I understand your contraint.
    Do you know and use the tool "UPX" ? :

  10. Increase the size of the executable? Who cares?!

  11. Not increase, but reduce it !
    effectivelly, we can thinks that have no importance but for example updates by internet of the executable, or just for using less storage.
    in my case, our programs will update automatically when you restart it. suddenly, a smaller executable size allows a shorter loading time at startup when an update.

  12. Fox TheOne, I did not know this tool. I will study it. Thanks for the tip.


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