Documentation Insight Annual Survey
Documentation Insight Annual Survey
Baoquan Zuo I like doxygen style comments like this:
* Splits the node along a given axis.
* The list of indices is reorganized according to the split values.
* \param axis [in] splitting axis index
* \param builder [in] the tree builder
* \return the number of primitives assigned to the first child
* \warning this method reorganizes the internal list of primitives
Or it could be even more minimal, like this:
ReplyDeletefunction FindSeamPoint(const tv: TIsoCurveVertex; const fc: TST_AFace;
out sp: TIsoCurveVertex):boolean;
//Find continuation of the curve on a next face
//[in] tv bla-bla-bla
//[in] fc bla-bla-bla
//[out] sp bla-bla-bla
//[return] bla-bla-bla
Vitali Burkov For inline doc styles, most people prefer javadoc/nativecomment or doxygen. It is just a matter of styles. I definitely agree that DI need to support more styles to adapt to most developers. You might want to see this poll: