Hi, Currently working on a Pascal-Like compiler in Delphi.

Hi, Currently working on a Pascal-Like compiler in Delphi.
As I'm very excited about 0x10c, i started writing a compiler which compiles pascal like Code to DASM(and final binary). And the the project grew and grew o.o
Now it includes the Emulator for the documented virtual Devices and an IDE. And just started to work on the debugger.
Yes i know, iam talking about a game, but this small ecosystem with pretty simple hardware is perfect for learning theses things^^
The code within the IDE isn't very special, but my goal for today was to finish Adress<->Line mapping between Compiled binary and units(blue dots) and the colored linebuffers. The compiler can already do a lot(not all Pascal things, but many) and the emulator runs the most required things(CPU,Display, Keyboard, Timer). VERY WIP, but its evolving :)


  1. I'm missing what you are working on. Are you working on a compiler for something that has a compiler already, or are you compiling to something other than the Windows world?

  2. It compiles for the 16-bit computer inside his space ship :)


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