i got a task from my boss to control a specific column and row of microsoft excel file based on specific condition found on other row and column of certain sheet or from the same sheet. the idea is to put the excel file on database, then load and embed (preview or edit ) on delphi form. in some condition, editing or copying (through right click) the loaded file is prohibited. how do i achieve this using delphi ? is it possible ? thanks in advance
Alex Egorov what kind delphi library that capable of doing that ? the project goal is to protect the excel file from being stolen and able to be viewed by other users. so the idea is to keep the file on database system. Christophe Ravaut can i preview the excel file in delphi form and will the have the preview just like in excel window preview ? thanks
ReplyDeleteUse the TAdoconnection for a connection with the excel file. Then use TAdoDataSet to select the sheet.
ReplyDelete.CommandText:= 'select * from ['+ ASheet+']';
Now you have the selected sheet in a dataset. You can view the dataset in a TDbGrid
Christophe Ravaut thanks for your guide... i will try it