Originally shared by tmssoftware

Originally shared by tmssoftware

ANN: TMS TWebGMaps v1.5 released 

We're pleased to announce a major update for TMS TWebGMaps at http://www.tmssoftware.com

VCL Component with extensive configurability for integrating Google Maps in VCL applications


What's new in v1.5
- New: Support for getting direcion information & showing directions
- New: Support to show & interact with polygons on map
- New: Support to show & interact with polylines on map
- New: Support to add labels for markers
- New: TWebGMapsLookupEdit control for address auto completion
- New: TWebGMapsDirectionList control to show steps of direction info
- New: Functions to get & set viewports coordinates based on longitude, latitude
- New: Demo showing directions, polygons, markers with labels, lookup & route list

You can download the trial version from our website: http://www.tmssoftware.com/site/webgmaps.asp
TMS TWebGMaps is available for Delphi 2007, 2009, 2010, XE, XE2, XE3 and C++Builder 2007, 2009, 2010, XE, XE2, XE3.

Kind regards,
Nancy Lescouhier
TMS software team


  1. Do you need a Google Maps agreement with Google to deploy with a client app?

  2. Lars Fosdal in the product description it says: "TMS software is not responsible for the use of TWebGMaps. The purchase of TWebGMaps does not include any license fee that you might possibly be required to pay to Google. It will depend on your type of usage of the Google Maps service whether a license fee needs to be paid to Google.
    It is the sole responsibility of the user or company providing the application that integrates the Google maps service to respect the Google terms and conditions . TMS software does not take any responsibility nor indemnifies any party violating the Google maps service terms & conditions."


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