Blog post "Delphi Price Compared" at

Blog post "Delphi Price Compared" at


  1. Well, I can't say you're not right there... Though, as a student, I can get MS' VS Pro for free, I'm not complaining there because I get a substantial discount for my RAD Studio licenses as a student, without any limitations attached to it. But giving out free licenses as MS does, or even making something like the current starter free for students might encourage more young programmers to use Delphi. But that's not really a remark on the actual licensing scheme, more of an idea/suggestion. I'd love to see universities and colleges get back to teaching Delphi rather than Java.

    However, the main issue I'm having with Delphi's pricing scheme is not that it's expensive, but that the support seems to end when a new major version is released, by which I mainly mean updates. Essentially, a Delphi license seems to mean that you get the software and at most a year of updates, if you want another year of updates, you can't even extend that, you just have to buy the latest version. Aside from that point, I think Delphi's licensing scheme is pretty solid.

  2. Frederic, I know we should be more "aggressive" in pricing for students, but Microsoft can afford doing thinks we cannot. For them programming tools is really a side business. For us it is the business, and once you have a free tool is is hard to make sure professional developers won't use it rather than paying for the full version.

  3. Hello Marco, i just read your comments and its true that Sencha, Visual studio and.... have a big price but they have a documentation very, very, very good and delphi ever has problems with help. Nowaday the domentation can be the difference between a good product and another good product.

  4. Marco Cantù I am aware of that and I completely understand, but wouldn't it be possible to restrict/limit an educational version in certain areas, so it can't be abused?

    vicente marrero In my opinion, the Delphi documentation used to be pretty bed when Borland was running the show, but now I'm quite satisfied with it.

  5. Any type of limitation can be worked around, more or less legally, more or less easily, We need to strike a balance...

  6. Well, in any case, the starter edition is certainly a nice step in making it more accessible to people.

  7. Marco Cantù Microsoft Action Pack Development and Design subscription you've mentioned in your comment to the blog post is just perfect future proof investment! You can get Microsoft SQL Server 2013 (not my mistype!) now! See yourself and have fun :)


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