I am working on an installer for Delphi components - no full fledged setup as Inno Setup or others, but just a small, simple one which automatically registers your packages within Delphi (5 to XE3), adds search- and library pathes etc. The installer will be open source, the first Beta available for download at this weekend. If there's anyone who would do a code review and testing, I really would appreciate :) Thanks in advance.


  1. Where would you host the source code?

  2. I couldn't tell from the description as to how much overlap (if any) there is with DelphiPI [ https://code.google.com/p/delphipi/ ] but you might like to take a look.

    It also is a 'Delphi Package Installer'. I've very briefly tried it; though still in relatively early stages, it seems to do quite good job.

  3. I've just released the code for download. Currently the SVN repository is hosted at home and not public but probably will be moved to Sourceforge at a later date.
    @Adem: Thanks for pointing me out to DelphiPI. There might be some overlap although I do not plan to support any source code compilation.


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