Is where a way while debugging to step into a procedure in such a way that you get immediately into the procedure body without getting into the procedures involved in computation of the procedure arguments?

Is where a way while debugging to step into a procedure  in such a way that you get immediately into the procedure body without getting into the procedures involved in computation of the procedure arguments?
It's neighther F7, nor F8, it's something inbetween.


  1. Sorry, I don't have an answer for that. But it is indeed a very good question, it is something that bothers me as well!

  2. why can't you simply set breakpoint in the beginning of calling procedure?

  3. Andrew Terekhov Sometimes you do not know what a procedure it is, it can be an interface method.

  4. Vitali Burkov good point :) seems nothing new here since turbo pascal, breakpoints or f4 to the end of argument functions

  5. I usually solve that problem by F7 followed by Shift+F8.

  6. My solution is to navigate to the target proc and then set a breakpoint there. Then, I press F9 :)

  7. Well, not to pass the function calls, argee. But what about passing properties, that result in invoking getters ?

  8. Peter Müller-Mannhardt What do you mean? Doesn't Shift+F8 do the job?


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