MailMerge adventures, continued...
MailMerge adventures, continued...
OK, I have concluded that any path but using the components statically installed on a form or frame is more pain than it is worth. So as to my previous post, never mind!
OK, I have concluded that any path but using the components statically installed on a form or frame is more pain than it is worth. So as to my previous post, never mind!
When i banged my head into these things it was a log time ago and i think we had windows 2000 or something. On the point of static/dynamic tough - if you are trying to write an app that's going to be used widely (downloaded by anyone or just distributed to multiple client sites) office integration will be a hassle as security updates, new versions and so on are introduced much to often. If you on the other hand are writing something in-house, well then you'll know when the next Office update is due and may have the option to prepare, recompile and update on par. I would tell anyone trying to do this with a "public" app to seek other solutions (if possible of course).
ReplyDeleteDany Marmur Thanks. I have concluded for now that I will simply export the dataset and let the users do with it as they will. Too many adventures on the MS Office integration path.