TChromeTabs has now reached V1.2.

TChromeTabs has now reached V1.2. 

As well as full BiDi support, this version fixes a lot of bugs including:

Breaking Update: Rewrote modified tab glow to use Easing. Several properties removed and several added. 
Update: BiDi fully implemented.
Fixed: Tab space left in container after dragging tab to then from a container.
Fixed: Tab glow performance improvements.
Fixed: Drag tab width was incorrect when dragging to a container with a different tab width average.
Fixed: Drag tab incorrectly positioned if a tab was dragged to a new container with smaller average tab size.
Fixed: Scroll buttons not drawn hot.
Fixed: Tab overlaps not drawn correctly when dragging tab.
Fixed: All design time updates should now work correctly.
Fixed: Modified glow incorrectly positioned for bottom tabs.
Fixed: Tab delete at design time now correctly updates the control.

You can grab the latest version from subversion or download the zip file that includes an exe demo here

I think TChromeTabs is now almost feature complete. The only real feature that is missing is tab upload/download spinners. I'll hopefully implement these in a future release.

Keep your ideas and bug reports coming :) It would also be nice to hear if anyone is using TChromeTabs in their projects.



  1. Hey Paul,

    This is really cool! I'm currently using rkSmartTabs (, but it hasn't been updated for over a year, and it's missing some very interesting features found in your TChromeTabs, so I'll definitely will use yours instead in the future!

    One additional feature I'd like to see in TChromeTabs though - when Google Chrome is maximized the window title will be replaced by the tabs (with Areo effects), thus utilizing the screen estate much better. I'm wondering if TChromeTabs has built-in ability for that? Thanks!

  2. Just wondering... Is the behavior of the "add tab" button customizable?

  3. Frédéric Hannes - Yes, pretty much anything can be controlled via events. To change the behaviour of the Add button simply handle the "OnButtonAddClicked" event.

  4. Cool, I'm considering using it, but I'd like to show a menu when add is pressed.

  5. Frédéric Hannes - That's easy to accomplish. If you want to show the menu relative to the position of the add button rather than the cursor you can use this code:

    FAddButtonRect: TRect;

    procedure TfrmMain.ChromeTabs1GetControlPolygons(Sender: TObject;
      ItemRect: TRect; ItemType: TChromeTabItemType; Orientation: TTabOrientation;
      var Polygons: IChromeTabPolygons);
      if ItemType = itAddButton then
        FAddButtonRect := ItemRect;

    procedure TfrmMain.ChromeTabs1ButtonAddClick(Sender: TObject);
    begin    PopupMenu1.Popup(ChromeTabs1.ClientToScreen(Point(FAddButtonRect.Left, FAddButtonRect.Bottom)).X,                   ChromeTabs1.ClientToScreen(Point(FAddButtonRect.Left, FAddButtonRect.Bottom)).Y);


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