Using a custom attribute for data persistance

Using a custom attribute for data persistance


  1. Great article François, two suggestions if you don't mind: a - use a syntax highlighter for your blog; b - maybe separate such a long article into two, you know (and according to research) it's  easier to read a short one today and another tomorrow :)

    Well, maybe these suggestions make you think as your reader I'm asking too much, but I think they make sense ;) 

    BTW, just realized you are the author of ICS! You are Awesome!

  2. Edwin Yip Thanks for your favorable opinion. About your remarks: I don't know which navigator you use, but the syntax is highlighted! And I can't reduce the size of this article. IMO this is the minimum to stay serious about the subject. Breaking in two pages whould not enhance readability unless your navigator doesn't present a scrolling window. OK, breaking into two article would generate more trafic, but is it the goal ?


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