Hello. I need some help related to the distribution of binaries for Mac OSX generated by Delphi. I have a sample package "HelloWorld" (Runtime and design time). When I do compile this, I can see different generated binaries:

Hello. I need some help related to the distribution of binaries for Mac OSX generated by Delphi. I have a sample package "HelloWorld" (Runtime and design time). When I do compile this, I can see different generated binaries:

in DCP folder: HelloWorld.a, HelloWorld.dcp and HelloWorld.bpi
in BPL folder: bplHelloWorld.dylib, bplHelloWorld.dylib.map, bplHelloWorld.dylib.rsm, HelloWorld.entitlements and HelloWorld.info.plist

As I do not know what each file contains I and only have some assumptions I have some questions:

What are these files HelloWorld.a and those ending with entitlements and info.plist good for? Are the remote symbols (rsm) need to be deployed on a Mac for remote debugging? Can I assume, that the generared package files (dylib) always automatically are prefixed with bpl?

Many thanks :)


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