Hi there! Can anyone recommend a good book to getting started with Mac OS development with Delphi? I am not so miuch interested in Firemonkey but more or less trying to bridge the gap from Windows to Mac as it comes to the fundamentals of the OS. E.g. it should be about differences of the inner concepts like multithreading, locking concepts (what are the equivalents of critical sections, mutexes etc.), ipc, sockets communication and so on. One book which might be what I am looking for is http://www.amazon.de/Mac-OS-iOS-Internals-Programmer/dp/1118057651/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1361011276&sr=8-1 but probably... there's another one with less pages ;)

Hi there! Can anyone recommend a good book to getting started with Mac OS development with Delphi? I am not so miuch interested in Firemonkey but more or less trying to bridge the gap from Windows to Mac as it comes to the fundamentals of the OS. E.g. it should be about differences of the inner concepts like multithreading, locking concepts (what are the equivalents of critical sections, mutexes etc.), ipc, sockets communication and so on. One book which might be what I am looking for is http://www.amazon.de/Mac-OS-iOS-Internals-Programmer/dp/1118057651/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1361011276&sr=8-1 but probably... there's another one with less pages ;)


  1. The iOS FireMonkey book on Amazon is based on XE2, and that is completely different that what XE3 gives us now.

  2. Sadly the documentation and book situation for iOS plus Firemonkey is weak. There are many excellent iOS development books on Objective-C + XCode.   The level of conceptual knowledge and platform knowledge that you need to work effectively on iOS development is such that I would suggest you just go ahead and get an iOS + XCode book. I love this one: http://www.amazon.ca/Programming-iOS-Fundamentals-iPhone-Development/dp/1449319343/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1367976415&sr=8-5&keywords=ios+programming


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