This article is interesting, and contains a paragraph referencing Delphi.

This article is interesting, and contains a paragraph referencing Delphi.


  1. I'm still not using XE3, but the tests I did with it, it's worst than XE2.

    It still got all the bugs, like this one, which I have to constantly close and open the IDE:

    I'll have to mantain my patches in the SOAP unit which weren't fixed in XE3, see:

    And this was a show stopper:

    We couldn't even get our project (which compiles fine in XE2) to compile in XE3.

    Oh but it's getting better... but, wait, Firemonkey is getting better... but... I don't care about Firemonkey, for me its just getting worst and more expensive, every year.

    Also, Delphi has everything half baked, the refactoring feature is written in .NET and gives me a null reference exception every time I try to use it, if you compile some projects in sequence you get an out of memory error (even with new projects which have nothing but forms) and I'll not even start talking about the error insight. God, anyone keeps it enabled? It never worked and they never cared to fix it, how's that getting better? Just because you can now write 1.ToString doesn't mean that Delphi is better, the IDE is still years behind the competition.

  2. Fábio Gomes I keep getting conflicting opinions about this.  Some have said XE2/3 IDE works better than XE, so I've remained hopeful.  Aside from that, as you suggest, there is little in the feature set to induce us to upgrade at this time.

  3. 64 bits is enough for me to upgrade.   Firemonkey and cross platform are big plusses for me also.


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