Very interesting talk

Very interesting talk

Design Tech Talk Series Presents: OO Design for Testability


  1. Miskos presentations are a must watch for any professional developer imo.
    From my own experience I can confirm that following these principles leads to easier (or at all) testable and maintainable code.

  2. Agreed -- his talks and his blogs are superb and must sees.

  3. is there a version with subtitles? spoken english it's hard for me.... >"<

  4. melice huang I feel that the english used is not really hard and, if you concentrate a bit, I think you will be able to understand it.
    That said, I am not aware of existence of any subtitles for said talk.
    Anyway, practicing the language on such videos will eventually prove its worth as you will progress more steadily if you really try to concentrate, trust me.
    I always get the feeling that subtitles should be used sparingly - if at all - except for translations into other languages.



  5. Misko's videos are highly recommended. I first came across these through Nick Hodges blog posts on dependency injection ( -- also highly recommended. Misko is also one of the original authors of AngularJS which is an awesome client-side MVC framework. One of the great things about this JS framework is that it employs dependency injection and the framework was built for unit testing which shows that Misko really practices what he preaches.


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