Has anyone figured out how to discover, in a TMS TAdvStringGrid (or descendant) event handler, how to know whether the ACol parameter represents the display context or the absolute context?

Has anyone figured out how to discover, in a TMS TAdvStringGrid (or descendant) event handler, how to know whether the ACol parameter represents the display context or the absolute context?

Recent changes have affected numerous of my event handlers, and it's not intuitive, at least to me. Ideally, there would be a way to discover the answer in code, but failing that, I would settle, at this point, for a way to scan the TMS source and find the answer.

I have also posted in the TMS Component User Group circle, but am desperate to find an answer.


  1. Dorin Duminica Many gotchas, indeed. The VST demos seem to have been built with no care for leaks. I would have thought that at least one would demonstrate properly how to clean up.

  2. Bill Meyer yeah, most of the stuff I've put there are within a few minutes up to max. 1 hour, care of leaks was never taken to the full extent, in some cases not at all...

  3. Dorin Duminica I am puzzling things out. Slowly. If I get to the point where I understand enough to use it in my app, I will make some time to write some docs.


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