Hello, Yesterday I posted something like the following but somehow it's missing today, now try again:

Hello, Yesterday I posted something like the following but somehow it's missing today, now try again:
TdjRestfulComponent, Restful web server library for Delphi, like Ruby's Sinatra and Python's flask: 
http://mikejustin.wordpress.com/dwf/, and it's quit interesting.


  1. i use this framwork since V1 and it's awesome. Easy to use, little footprint, no DLL, play's nice with JQuery and JQuery mobile.
    Give it a try...

  2. Just saying: If you guys take a little time to make your G+ profile look real - it is less chance that it will be accidentally treated like spam.

  3. Thanks Andreas. Was the deletion done automatically by G+? I assume the spam-detecting system should be aware and take into account that I've got several upvoted comments.

  4. Probably by a moderator, Edwin Yip.  You guys don't get to see the spam, because of the mods.  Once every now and then, someone innocent gets hit. Having a profile picture - of your favorite stuffed animal, if so be - helps prevent such mistakes.


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