
I am about to polish and enhance the UI of my memory profiler (http://ddobjects.de/dddebug) as some testers and reviewers said it's not very intuitive (many functions are hidden behind popup menus etc). Therefore I am looking for some nice icons which are free for commercial use. As I am distributing the source code, the license should allow me to distribute those icons (of course credit will be given). Does anyone know a good and reliable source for such icons?
Thanks in advance :)


  1. I just tested it and indeed it is not working.  I sniffed the TCP/IP packet stream from the thing. It successfully queries Iconfinder.com, which sends back a number of icon hits in XML format.  Apparently the XML parser in the CnPack editor can't grok it, probably due to format change and a brittle XML parser.  CnPack is open source, so maybe someone can pick up the torch?

    This thing is amazing when it works.  I used it all the time up until a few months ago when I found all the icons I needed.

  2. Aha!  There is a beta build of CnPack that has a fix for the broken ImageList editor.

    Build 644 seems to have the fix, but I have not tried it.


  3. http://www.glyfx.com/content/page/xp-common-complete-edition.html
    There are restrictions for redistribution in the license but maybe you should ask them directly...


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