It seems to me that the general feeling in the Delphi community is that we would like the stability issues to be addressed before any more features are added.

It seems to me that the general feeling in the Delphi community is that we would like the stability issues to be addressed before any more features are added.

Has anybody considered trying to get the message through to Embarcadero in a slightly more formal manner? Perhaps, if we come together as a community, we can actually alter the course of Delphi a little. How about an open letter or petition signed by members of the community?

Just a thought :)


  1. Danijel Tkalcec  XE8 might be looking good. :)

  2. Yes that could be an idea that MAY work. About a year ago I created a petition on
    Unfortunately I could not flag it at successful yet, but at least I got their attention. I have the conditions clear but promised to not say anything public about it. The process is very slow is this seems to be low priority stuff for Emb...

    So go ahead and create a new petition and collect signs. It only costs your time :)

  3. The only problem with that idea is that it only appeals to current customers, not prospective customers. What's more is that it probably only applies to a subset of current customers. There also isn't the kind of captive audience like Apple has for their OS.

  4. I think a better idea might be to do what Adobe seems to have been doing with their Creative Cloud/Creative Suite customers: Cloud customers get updates to the suite as they're ready whether they're new features or bug fixes. Traditional suite customers only get bug fixes until the next version drops. It should sidestep the "but... Accounting and revenue recognition!" excuses, provide incentive for Embarcadero to made sure things are done right before shipping them, benefit SA customers, and give non-SA customers a big reason to jump on the train.

  5. Paul Thornton Embarcadero as any other sotfware editor is faced with the problem of getting money. Adding new features allow the companies to get more customers and earn money to continue business. Software user have to realize that they must buy the next version not only to get the new features but to get bug fixes as well. For the software editor, the econimic model would be much better if anyone buy a maintenance contract so that they get funds to make the product better.
    I'm using Delphi since version 1 and always stay up to date with the product. I never had much difficulty to adapt my code from one version to the next because there was never a lot of changes (2 exceptions: 16 to 32 bits and ansi to Unicode). I know many people staying at the same version for years and then having a lot of work to move the the up-to-date Delphi. I know because I worked as a consultant to do such move on large projects. I can confirm that those companies actually spend more money globally that they would have if they bought the maintenance contract in the first place.


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