Can anybody name higher performance alternatives to TIdHTTPServer?


  1. This doesn't change anything in what I've said. ICS uses asynchronous operation. It means that it can serve hundreds of clients using a single thread. But it also mean you can block everything if you don't follow the rules of asynchronous programming. The best performance is usually a mix between asynchonous and threaded operation. Use asynchronous for everything except lengthy operation for which you start a thread (well better to have a thread pool than starting/stopping threads). There is no absolute best way of programming. A case is not the other. There are way too much items impacting performances.

  2. Ok. Thanks I will give ICS a try.

  3. Roland, I don´t know about ICS HTTP Server (Cause I never used this particularly), but we use ICS as a foundation for TCP/IP communication in our software and I have to tell you that this is the best TCP/IP library I have already worked with


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