Hi Guys. Just playing around with FireMonkey Mobile on XE4 and have a problem. I have the latest version of Mountain Lion and latest version of XCode (4.5.2) but when I go to Tools/options/SDK Manager and add a new SDK and change the "Select Platform" combo and select iOS, it shows a dialogsaying "No SDKs could be found for the iOS Device Platform."

Hi Guys. Just playing around with FireMonkey Mobile on XE4 and have a problem. I have the latest version of Mountain Lion and latest version of XCode (4.5.2) but when I go to Tools/options/SDK Manager and add a new SDK and change the "Select Platform" combo and select iOS, it shows a dialogsaying "No SDKs could be found for the iOS Device Platform."
If I change the Platform to be OSX and try to run the wee demo app I have, I get an error saying "Wrapper init fail: (NULL)" so I am guessing I cant run an app destined to run on the iOS simulator can use the OS X SDK or something. Anyway, from what I have read, the latest version of teh commandline tools for XCode is meant to contain the SDKs for iOS.
So I am a bit lost. Can anyone help?
p.s. I can create an OS X app fine.



  1. You need the dmg of xcode 4.6.2 so you can have the SDK included, I don't know why but if you download it from iTunes it didn't have the SDK included. Had the same problem.

  2. Ok. I will have a look around. I did get it form iTunes I think...let you know how I get on.

  3. YAY ! thats what it was. I had to download it 3 times as the first time it stopped at 1.4gb then the second time it told me the package was corupt, it then told me the 3rd tiem teh CRC was wrong, so I just went ahead and told it to install, and it installed fine!! AGH!! anyway, it seems fine now! thanks for the help :-)



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