Looking to sell my expertise in law enforcement industry.
Looking to sell my expertise in law enforcement industry.
...and not only this one.
Being on Delphi since v.1 in 1996, working with companies all over the world since 1999.
Since 2007 i have been heavily involved in US law enforcement industry, gained great expertise
in data formats, interfacing with fingerprint readers, DL scanners, etc etc etc.
I am located in Russia, and in fact i am looking for remote contract work, but can consider relocation as well.
My full CV and references are available on request.
Please email me egold2005 at gmail dot com or Skype egold2005.
...and not only this one.
Being on Delphi since v.1 in 1996, working with companies all over the world since 1999.
Since 2007 i have been heavily involved in US law enforcement industry, gained great expertise
in data formats, interfacing with fingerprint readers, DL scanners, etc etc etc.
I am located in Russia, and in fact i am looking for remote contract work, but can consider relocation as well.
My full CV and references are available on request.
Please email me egold2005 at gmail dot com or Skype egold2005.
Technically, the "Job Opportunity" category goes the other way around. Moved to "Introduce yourself".
ReplyDeleteOk sorry.
ReplyDeleteEugene Goldberg
ReplyDeleteI also write law enforcement software in Delphi XE->XE4 for Washington State, and Oregon State, USA. Sorry - No job openings here, but I am trying to get upper management to consider hiring another programmer in the future. My apps manage home-detention monitoring equipment rentals, alcohol detectors, GPS trackers, and offender payments for the entire state.
Thank you Kevin.