Any ideas how to get active platform with Delphi OpenTools API?

Any ideas how to get active platform with Delphi OpenTools API?
It seams like IOTABuildConfiguration doesnt contain needed properties. Example dump of build configuration below:

[OwlyCI] Configuration: Debug
[OwlyCI] Properties:
[OwlyCI] Config name: Debug
[OwlyCI] Config name: Debug
[OwlyCI] * DCC_Optimize = false
[OwlyCI] * DCC_GenerateStackFrames = true
[OwlyCI] * DCC_Define = DEBUG
[OwlyCI] Config name: Base
[OwlyCI] * VerInfo_IncludeVerInfo = true
[OwlyCI] * VerInfo_Keys = CompanyName=;FileDescription=;FileVersion=;InternalName=;LegalCopyright=;LegalTrademarks=;OriginalFilename=;ProductName=;ProductVersion=;Comments=
[OwlyCI] * GenDll = true
[OwlyCI] * DCC_CBuilderOutput = All
[OwlyCI] * jojona = YES
[OwlyCI] * DCC_ImageBase = 00400000
[OwlyCI] * DCC_Namespace = Vcl;Vcl.Imaging;Vcl.Touch;Vcl.Samples;Vcl.Shell;System;Xml;Data;Datasnap;Web;Soap;Winapi;$(DCC_Namespace)
[OwlyCI] * VerInfo_Locale = 1049
[OwlyCI] * GenPackage = true
[OwlyCI] * OwlyCiDep = FastCode
[OwlyCI] * DCC_ExeOutput = .\$(Config)\$(Platform)
[OwlyCI] * DCC_DcuOutput = .\$(Config)\$(Platform)


  1. How about GetActiveProject.CurrentPlatform

  2. Thanks for answer, but there is no such property in Delphi XE. Maybe it was introduced later?

  3. That's because in XE and older it would always return "Win32" ;-)

  4. Andreas Hausladen Haha, it is true.
    I was confused by found some basic platforms support.


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