How about integrating Update 1 into the downloadable XE4 installer? That could save at least one hour of time... I'm sitting here grinding my teeth over this :(


  1. Andreas Hausladen Why would an uninstall want to check to see if a file is modified? That seems, er, weird to me.

  2. Nicholas Ring Because it checks the installation first. And that is also what the update does. So both take their time to verify that you haven't modified anything that they need to not delete/overwrite. This sounds like a nice feature (If I remember correctly Nick Hodges was very proud of it at the time). But it is the exact opposite. If the Update doesn't install the new file because you have made changes to it, you end up with a broken/unstable installation (e.g. source code doesn't match the debug symbols). And with the start of Windows Vista and UAC you don't even have write access to the $(BDS) folder, so no changes at all. But the Uninstaller and Updater check every file by version info and if a file doesn't have one it compares the actual content. And that function seems to be called five to eight times. And how may files in the $(BDS) folder have a version info resource? The majority doesn't have one because they aren't even PE files like source code and compiler intermediate files. And most BPL files don't have one either.

  3. Andreas Hausladen Thanks for the explanation!


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