Looks like TIOBE isn't alone in differentiating Delphi and Pascal, other popularity indexes have the same issue:

Looks like TIOBE isn't alone in differentiating Delphi and Pascal, other popularity indexes have the same issue:

- http://www.langpop.com/

Other indexes don't show the "runners up", so they may differentiate as well. For both indexes above, merging back Delphi & Pascal brings it back in the top 10.


  1. This is something Embarcadero should act upon. Has anybody brought this up with Marco?

  2. This would certainly help outsider perception from "obscure language" to "not common but still mainstream"

  3. Don't forget Free Pascal and maybe a few DOS programmers running TP.  Up until a few years ago (and maybe still) a California aircraft antenna manufacturing company I consulted for in the 80's was still running my old Turbo Pascal MSDOS automated test programs.  They are probably still running my old  direction finder antenna test software using Windows 1.0 and a monochrome screen. :-)  If it works, don't fix it :-)

  4. So they can count nextgen compiler as separate language


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