We are searching for a flexible DBGrid component. It should be able to group data and still be rather fast. E.g. we want to display products with variations or product-sets. The 'father-product' should be displayed in the grid. When it is expanded, the variations should be listed below.

We are searching for a flexible DBGrid component. It should be able to group data and still be rather fast. E.g. we want to display products with variations or product-sets. The 'father-product' should be displayed in the grid. When it is expanded, the variations should be listed below.

Does anyone know a component that can be used for this case?

PS.: A nice additional feature would be an automated refresh of the data inside the grid.


  1. Okay... we now have bought the QuantumGrid and the first tests were great. Especially the whole user customization of the grouping and filters is just awesome.

  2. Sven Finke Did you get the latest update?  DevExpress just massively increased the grid's sort/group speed on large datasets.  The release came out a day or two ago.

  3. We just downloaded the current version on friday, so I guess it is the latest release. But I will take a look at it and get that update if it's not installed.
    Especially because the grouping and sorting in large datasets could become important for us in the near future...

    Thanks for the info about that update :)


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