We have a RemObjects SDK based server and we would like to write a web based client that can interface with it. It will need to display quite a lot of records in grids.

We have a RemObjects SDK based server and we would like to write a web based client that can interface with it. It will need to display quite a lot of records in grids.

Does anybody have any recommendations or suggestions on a nice way to do this. We have used ASP.NET before, but it was not the greatest experience ever.


  1. Two choices: ASP.NET MVC or Php using Slim(very easy to setup)

  2. RO already has a nice JS generator, so you can directly use it in your webpage.
    About the webpage itself: "it depends"... I tend to go for more or less "single page apps", so fixed html that loads all data for service (RO, json via REST, whatever) but I haven't done big websites (yet)


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