What is the justification of use .inc files to declare and implement code is some RTL units?  Starting with #Delphi #XE2 many of the new RTL units related to Vcl styles, OSX and so on, uses inc files to declare types, classes and implement code (just like the FPC does), what is the justification to do that? you can see what i mean if you inspect one of these folders (source\rtl\posix, source\rtl\posix\osx, source\rtl\sys )


  1. The FreePascal/Lazarus rationale is probably relevant:

    TBH I'm not a fan of the include files, they make things kinda messy to track, and in the case of FreePascal & Lazarus, they're a likely reason why the wheel is being reinvented all over their libraries.


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