Can anyone or Marco Cantù suggest to me "why we choose Delphi for mobile device over other mobile solution (virtual machine/scripting)"

Can anyone or Marco Cantù suggest to me "why we choose Delphi for mobile device over other mobile solution (virtual machine/scripting)"
I mean what other benefit we get other then speed. The other solution can access hardware service too. So i might missing some other information. 
I'm asking this not because i don't like Delphi mobile solution, but i am planning to write a book about Delphi for mobile device, and i need to convince my reader why they should think about to use Delphi over other cheaper solution. 



  1. A shared code base with apps for other platforms.

  2. well other solution already provide the same feature, and even support more platform like support for blackberry and windows phone

  3. I guess you got the answer that there is no efficient answer :)

  4. Looks like it's going to be a short chapter. ;)

  5. If you have business logic written in Object Pascal, instead of converting the code to the other solutions, you can use the logic as is.

  6. I think the relevant feature is single source for multiple devices, while at the same time have the ability to access to services, databases, and sensors... beside building the UI with a unified code.

  7. And let us know about progress with the book!

  8. In addition, if you do most of your work in the Delphi environment and you like the IDE (which I do), you might feel more comfortable using it instead of other, unfamiliar environments.   The only other question you probably need to ask is "Why not?"

  9. Thanks for all the answer. I'll try to put all the suggestion to convince the reader. I'm thinking that the user is not delphi familiar, because i'm targeting common mobile developer that most of them is using xcode, android sdk or phonegap like mobile application solution.

    I thought myself that when delphi support mobile platform, it will be a great development tool, because it makes development in mobile platform a lot easier with the drag and drop feature and a lot of powerful library to access device service and of course makes developing enterprise solution much more appealing with the seamless support for mobile platform.

    I surely update the progress of my book if possible. Thanks again


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