Anyone here using TortoiseGit? I have 1.8.3 installed, but cannot update to 1.8.4, because the installer hangs. Logged an issue for it, and they tell me it has nothing to do with them, but is an OS issue with the installer. Googled, and found plenty about installer hangs on Server 2008, but nothing useful for Win7.


  1. Eric Grange Seemingly a somewhat brittle part of the OS. I realize that many of the "answers" online are from techs whose own comprehension of the problems may be rather shallow, but I must say I hoped for better from the "Fixit" program from MS. Initially, at least, it appeared to have been completely blocked by whatever the problem was.

  2. This is also the reason I never use any pre release software from MS on my main systems.

  3. Anthony Frazier Not sure how that relates, or is relevant, to the topic at hand. When installing software from a third party, it is their choice what tool is used. We're just along for the ride, however bumpy it may be.


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