Received an invitation to write a RAD Studio XE4 300-page book in 6 months! Did anyone else received the invitation as well?


  1. That's cool! Grats! :)
    cca. 1.6 page / day. You better start right now :)

  2. I would go for 2 pages / day. That gives a month for proof reading, etc....

  3. Realistically speaking, a 300-page book is probably 400-600 pages as a draft.  The editor will edit the book down.

  4. Yes, I received one on XE4, and another for Firemonkey.   I'm busy writing another book, so I'll pass.

  5. Hey, I'm writing a book as well.  

    Wait, I thought there was no market for such a book! :-)

  6. Well, the publishing company didn't respond to my queries in what marketing, geographical reach and value add they provide, so I guess they have withdrawn their invitation. ;op

    Besides, the schedule seems very punishing and according to a Delphi expert I very much admire, is a full-time job.

  7. Chee Wee  -- and probably with little pay.  Self-publishing is the way to go to even have a shot at making some money. 

    I'll be happy if I sell one copy, so I'm going to be fairly pleased, I hope.  :-)


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