Any good automated build for #delphi applications with both mssql and oracle script integration? Something that will send email on status of build (success,fail,errors) and other information


  1. Finalbuilder from VSoft have MSSQL and ADO. For E-Mail with status of the build, you have to use an "send email"-action in your buildscript, but it is possible

    At the moment we have a closer look to Continua CI.

  2. Another recommendation for finalbuilder. Awesome tool and company.

  3. Also take a look at Jenkins. No direct Delphi or MSSQL support per se but still one of the easiest CI servers to setup and use.

    Where I work we use CruiseControl.NET and FinalBuilder with Redgate SQL Compare and osql for "building" the sql server databases. We've been looking to migrate from CC.NET to Jenkins for a while now. Honestly we aren't using FinalBuilder for anything that couldn't be handled by either CC.NET or Jenkins with a little effort. We're still using FinalBuilder mostly for legacy reasons.

    The main complaint with FinalBuilder is licensing. It broadcasts its presence over the network and refuses to run if it detects another instance with the same license. Even the command line script runner does this. So unless you purchase a separate license for the server, editing a build script from another machine will cause the builds to fail. Once you're up and running editing the build scripts happens so infrequently that the cost of a second license is hard to justify. As good of a product as FinalBuilder is it's hard to compete with all the free build tools out there.

    I will say this; FinalBuilder has the most "baked in" support for the widest range of compilers I've seen.

  4. Thanks for all the response. Our requirement is must fully support delphi. The auto build should be able to get the full source code from a code repository, compile and build it base on pre defined conditions or manually. Report any error or successful build. The sql and oracle part is a plus.

  5. You didn't mention which version of Delphi you're using but in case you're not aware all versions from I believe D2005 use msbuild under the hood so any tool that supports msbuild can build a Delphi project. Makes it easy to combine tools.

  6. Kenneth Cochran we are using delphi 2007 with a few third party components. We are still exploring on this CI so we want to start on the correct track as much as possible.

    One thing I noticed while looking at the sample videos and screen shots of FinalBuilder is they haven't shown anything related to delphi builds but mostly .net and other stuff.

  7. Finalbuilder definitely supports Delphi. Grab the trial version, it's very easy to start using.

  8. FinalBuilder Rocks. Can't work without it.


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