Same procedure each year. Get newest GNOSTICE Components: Nothing works anymore.. :-(

Same procedure each year. Get newest GNOSTICE Components: Nothing works anymore.. :-(

I don't know. All ohter components we use can be updated without one problem. Except gnostice...


  1. Heh, when I used to work with those components, we too had issues from time to time. However, we mostly used the PDF printer, which had its problems but ultimately worked almost well :)

  2. The biggest trouble i always have is to get my projects compiled after a fresh installation of gnostice. P.e. for the newest components i spend hours to contact support to get i working. Still waiting on a  answer. from support.  The components themselve are great, thats why we use them :-)

  3. Gave up on those guys years ago.  Support was terrible.

  4. Kevin Powick I did manage to get good support from them, although it required quite a bit of smooth diplomacy :)
    But it did work and they fixed my gripes :)


  5. The support is horrible,
    We dont use it anymore

  6. What PDF library for Delphi would you recommend ? I am testing currently  GNOSTICE library.

  7. thorgal2007
    What are your goals?
    Creating PDF documents from scratch?
    Archieving Reports from Rave or Fastreport etc. to PDF?
    Buil a in-Programm Viewer for PDF?
    Converting ohter formats to PDF?
    Export PDF to ohter formats?

  8. show PDF documents within a VCL form, read and enable navigation within a document via bookmarks

  9. thorgal2007
    That should work without problems.


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