While Delphi works with Unicode, i forgot that the compiler does it for identifiers, too

While Delphi works with Unicode, i forgot that the compiler does it for identifiers, too
raise ESystem♥Attack.Create('♥ is broken');

New ways to mess up code for the next victim looking at your's

EDIT: here this works too
procedure ‮Button1Click‭(Sender: TObject);


  1. Lars Dybdahl I would be interested in knowing how you did this

  2. Most VCS allow pre-commit hooks that can reject commits if they fail to pass certain standards, like being able to compile, code quality scanners, etc. They can also be used to reformat code prior to check-in so that your entire code base has a uniform formatting no matter what an individual developer's preferences are.

  3. Nicholas: In delphi code of course, and then we made it part of our build script.


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