
I am developing an app to run on Android (later iOS) and I have noticed that int'l chars are wrong here. Is there any pagecode config I need to do or is it a bug?
Example: Ç show as C, Ã as A, and so on... look likes FMX is trying to convert the characters, also, they I get an unaligned word...

By the way, it will not happen with TLabel, but I have see that when using the TTabItem.Text property, TListBoxGroupHeader. It will get wrong on the device, but the IDE shows fine.


  1. It seems to work (kinda) OK here, though the à is indeed misaligned (and because of that, it is also cut off at the top). But the Ç shows up just fine, in all of these controls:
    - TLabel
    - TText
    - TListBoxGroupHeader, TListBoxItem, TListBoxGroupFooter
    - TTabControl.TabItem

    as demonstrated here on my MI 2A:

  2. Weird... I thing it´s a FMX bug. Misaligned sometimes is wrost than showing converted chars.
    By the way I was unable to see your image.

  3. Magno Lima I've updated the image link. No character got converted on my device. Are you certain the extra bits aren’t just cut off due to lack of space?

  4. I am trying on a LG Optimus & Galaxy note (big screens), same problem...

  5. I meant lack of space inside the control, not lack of screen space. In the image I uploaded, you can see that the ~ on top of the à is cut off, even though there’s more than enough space above the A to render it.

  6. Ok, anyway it does not explain the chars are being changed. I cant see this happen with TLabel or TEdit, they are working fine. My TListBox items are all with chars changed, as I told, Ã becomes an A misaligned and much more than your image shows.

    The Word "SÃO PAULO" is rendered as SAO PAULO but the A baseline is on the middle of the S! 

    Actually, Ç is in the correct place and showing fine, please ignore my 1st comment about this particular letter... issue persists...

    Any fellow from Brazil or other latin language is getting such results?

  7. Hm... Do you know if the offending controls perhaps use a different font? If so, which font is that?

  8. Using default fonts for that fonts. If you try that you see that TLabel uses a diff font from TTabItem that put all on uppercase() :)

    See this example:

    APLICAÇÂO (application) is written that way in portuguese, it changes to APLICAÇAO, but the last A stays on the middle of the Ç.

    Tbutton also works fine.

  9. Ah, thanks Lars Fosdal, good to know it’s been reported (though I get "Either there is no report #118852, or you are not authorized to see that report").

  10. I guess I need to repost for reasons I cannot divulge ;)

  11. Thank you Lars! I really need that fixed :(
    anyway: "Either there is no report #118852, or you are not authorized to see that report." :)


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