Is Delphi xe5 supporting Arabic text?

Is Delphi xe5 supporting Arabic text?
In my sgs phone all things running good.. Display,input text in english and/or Arabic ..but with small delphi app I get wrong characters!


  1. I confirm that, but at least firemonkey on windows draws correctly the Arabic chars..if embar- deliver the components source code in trial..i see if i can tweak that

  2. Well, i tried hebrew and I worked for (chars are shown), but there is no BiDi support for arabic, hebrew and other rtl idioms... And for as I know they are not planning it for while...

  3. So it's a bi-di right to left text implementation issue on Firemonkey iOS?   Not surprising. It's a LOT of work to implement BiDi/R-to-L.


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