On being respectful of battery drain with a frequently updating widget...

On being respectful of battery drain with a frequently updating widget...


  1. Just a thought, but having noticed the forum here is described as "A community for people who write their software using Embarcadero's Delphi development tools" then this post seems rather off-topic. Possibly better located in the RemObjects Oxygene forum?

  2. Up until fairly recently of course, Embarcadero Delphi included RemObjects Oxygene.

    I shared the posts here since it seemed likely to me that some Delphi developers might be interested in how Oxygene differs from Delphi on these new platforms.  Especially when it comes to those parts of the new platforms which Delphi does not support at all.

    Incidentally, how is your material for that Oxygene for Java session at the BE-Delphi event coming along ?  ;)

  3. Yes it used to be included. But no longer.
    My session is coming along fine, thanks. It will be similar, I'd imagine, to the one I presented at Be-Delphi 1.0 2 years ago. At Be-Delphi 2.0 I showed Oxygene for Cocoa.
    Filip likes to invite a range of Pascal-related technologies along for the benefit of all - what with it being his conference he's at liberty to invite whoever to speak on whatever he wishes.
    However I noticed the specifics of this forum description were quite particular, so figured you may have overlooked that.

  4. Android is android - regardless of which - but perhaps the Oxygene articles would fit better in the iOS and Android sister-community?

    I don't mind Oxygene articles, as long as they limit themselves to a relatively subdued bashing of Delphi ;)

  5. Thanks for clarifying Lars. I shall now read the remit of the forums with more elasticity ;o)

  6. +! for the clarification Lars.  I didn't mean to be sharing unwelcome contributions and genuinely thought that there would be some interest, but had this been an unwelcome intrusion I would happily have stopped.

    Glad to know that this won't be necessary after all.  :)


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