XE5 Firemonkey styles - how to get at the default android styles

XE5 Firemonkey styles - how to get at the default android styles

Open up the "Bitmap Style Designer" - you can find it in the bin folder with the exes for the IDE and other things - normally "c:\program files\embarcadero\rad studio\12.0\bin"

Using this you can get at, and change, the default "Android Light" style - to do this perform the following rain dance (be careful not to mis-step you might open a portal to the under world!)

From the tool bar (not the main menu) drop down the menu which contains the various style types you can create and edit - select "New Android style for FireMonkey" - this now starts a NEW style template project based upon the default android style - you should find all the available styles listed in the tree view.

Points of note - I have yet to find an easy way to create a completely new style in this thing, also I cannot see how you can actually rename a style.  Probably the single most important thing you will need to get at is the glyphs they put on button faces - these are all stored in png files embedded in the style container, open up the images node to get at these.  You can export and import these images, you'll need a image editor which is capable of handling transparencies to do it properly, MS Paint makes a hash of it by defaulting the background colour to white which then mucks up the edges of some elements.

To change a button face, the simplest thing is to edit the relevant region of the style.png (and the 15x, 20x and 30x pngs) - making sure you don't move anything else about.  You can add a new button face by placing it into an unused area (the size of the image can be changed too - so you can make it bigger) and change the "face", face15x" face20x and "face30x" elements - some buttons use a glyph element instead so watch for this - using the "bitmap" property.

The docwiki page for it is here := http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/XE5/en/Bitmap_Style_Designer

Compared to XE2 (which was the last time I seriously played with FM styles) these new xe5 ones are very simple indeed, mostly only a few elements, BUT this makes them harder to customise IMHO - many of the animations and effects seem to have been removed or are worked elsewhere.

Enjoy :-)


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