Fast skipping through Delphi history in new millennium

Fast skipping through Delphi history in new millennium

Ten li'l evangelists thought
if old brand name was fine.
To their dismay one liked new one,
and soon there were nine.

Nine li'l evangelists used
Windows to grow their estates.
Yet one succumbed to Linux rush
and soon there were eight.

Eight li'l evangelists learnt
that Windows was safe haven.
One knew Dot Net for Windows Next
and soon there were seven.

Sev'n li'l evangelists held
"Rename again" grand prix.
One said "last time did no good"
and soon there were six.

Six li'l evangelists pimped the lang,
with generics they strived.
One was called contravariant,
and soon there were five.

Five li'l evangelists took chances
with Documents Explorer.
A dull one called WinHelp in arms
and soon there were four.

Four li'l evangelists digged
gold by apple tree.
One brought to help one raised from dead
and soon there were three.

Three li'l evangelists sought
to eat their own dog food.
One cut the apple off the trunk
and soon there were two.

Two li'l evangelists added on
The changes of subtle kind.
One grumbled "So much for subtlety"
and soon there was one.

The last li'l evangelist roams,
With monkeys cells he shots.
And we can pick theirs fleas for free
As long we can afford.
