Hi everyone

Hi everyone,
does anyone know if XE5 professional includes Firebird drivers?
Or how can you connect to Firebird with dbExpress and that edition? (+1 for free options)


  1. Thanks all. As Robert Lawrence pointed out Professional Edition includes FireDAC for Firebird Embedded and Firebird on localhost. That means I can use a TFDConnection with a connection string to localhost with the Firebird service on, right? If that's possibile, could I change the ip address to another lan machine, or is that against the license?

  2. It is against the license to connect to anything other than localhost with the provided Firedac drivers.

  3. This hammer may only be used to build sheds, not houses.  This pen may only be used to write notes & letters, not books.  This phone is for local calls only, not long distance. These shoes may only be worn for walking, not running.

    If you don't want someone to use built-in features, then don't include them.  I bought it, it's mine, I'll do what the hell I want with it.


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