There is sense in this. but it's not always easy.

There is sense in this. but it's not always easy.

Originally shared by CrispyCodes

10 Ways to become a better Developer...

What are other ways making you a better developer?


  1. 1 & 2 require other people, I'm pretty much the only programmer I know.
    7 is something I tried, but failed to find any takers.
    The rest I can do.

  2. On the internet, you are never alone, Christopher Burke. #1 has tons of code to be found. #2 and #7 is sharing with us, perhaps through #6?  #5 is a continuous struggle for me :)

  3. Christopher Burke For 1 & 2, you forgot there is internet: forums,  social networks and plain email. If you write code that cannot be made public, you can still send it to some selected people you select carefully and you trust in.
    For 7, do you mean you produced open source and no one took it? Or do you mean you tried to participate in an existing open source project and failed? If the former, then 6 is really required to make your work known.

  4. 10th is the most important of course :-)
    And very very good devs must even leave their desktop for several hours !
    Best ones are at their desktop only few minutes a month. But they are very rare.

  5. #10 Is important, not only for your mind, but your body.  I keep a timer going that reminds me every hour to take a break - It actually locks my screen, but there is a "snooze" button. :)  I usually break for 10 minutes by jumping on a compact recumbent bike that I brought to my office. Nothing crazy, I can't get all sweaty at work, but it clears my head and gets the blood flowing for a bit.

  6. Ilya S LOL, what a heretic article (the last one) - could not disagree more. However I would rephraze it and say: you should not always write the most beautiful code. Also his analogy with the furniture is moot - ugly code (in my understanding) leads to bugs - and if I know that sitting on a chair having eaten to much will break down the chair I would choose the more expensive one over the other any day - not because it was built with more expensive tools but more careful (guess why the saying "quality has its price").

  7. Stefan Glienke Guilty to steal your and anyone's else time on reading linked articles! It was just wild search for "write the code" :)
    I do agree the ugly code article is thought provoking :) Furniture example of his and yours are the same: he tells quality matters, not the expensiveness of the tools. Bugs do have business value, and quite negative.


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