Has anyone worked with the sgcWebSockets components on mobile devices? It seems to work fine on a Firemonkey desktop app, but simply placing one of the components onto a Firemonkey mobile app causes the build to generate 500+ errors during the linking. Now I'm sure there are no errors and there is something that is not set correctly, what might I be missing? The setup of the controls requires adding lines to the library search path and I made those changed. SO what else should I be checking for?

Has anyone worked with the sgcWebSockets components on mobile devices? It seems to work fine on a Firemonkey desktop app, but simply placing one of the components onto a Firemonkey mobile app causes the build to generate 500+ errors during the linking. Now I'm sure there are no errors and there is something that is not set correctly, what might I be missing? The setup of the controls requires adding lines to the library search path and I made those changed. SO what else should I be checking for?



  1. I don't know about sgcWebSockets but I have facing tons of errors such as yours when using 3rd party comps now with Update 2, seems like the components must compatible. You must ask or expect the comp developer an updated version. I don't know what happens since update 2 that has broken somethings, mostly about 3rd party components, I fear if a new update will repeat this, for me is a nightmare as my application is stopped waiting for some solution from QC and I had to remove some an update others comps. Sorry for this long reply.

  2. Thanks Magno, I will try and create a VM with Update 1 of XE5 and see if it works better.

  3. Mango, I was able to find an ISO that I had saved of the initial release of XE5 (no longer available from Embarcadero for download) and when I used it, I was able to use the sgcWebSockets without all the errors during the build.

    Thanks for the tip!


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