I'm suffering with slow VCL TPageControl on application resize under XE5 and was wondering if anyone had some ideas on how one could improve speed?

I'm suffering with slow VCL TPageControl on application resize under XE5 and was wondering if anyone had some ideas on how one could improve speed?
There are a number of TabSheets which all have there own TPanel layouts which need to get resized proportionally.


  1. Andreas Hausladen Hi Andreas, yes I had profiled the app and found one function which removed will reduce speed down to 12 seconds.  However under 2006 it has the code and it still only takes 8 seconds to resize, well even 8 is a bit long.  I have also tried your VCLPack which was worth a crack but no change in speed.

  2. Have you thought of using frames, and only creating and parenting the frame when the tab is switched to?  (And deleting the frame when the tab is switched away to another?)  It would greatly reduce the number of controls resizing at any one time.

  3. thanks for the suggestion, interesting idea, certainly switching in and out the parent may make a difference


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