Trying out Delphi XE5. For those who are doing Agile, you can try this simple app for your Sprint Planning. iOS version coming.

Trying out Delphi XE5. For those who are doing Agile, you can try this simple app for your Sprint Planning.  iOS version coming.


  1. Sounds interesting, but on my phone, it shuts down immediately. I’m guessing you didn’t request permission to write to the SD card? My phone tends to be rather strict about that.
    (I’m on a tight schedule today, otherwise I’d hook up logcat to see what happens to it).

  2. Thanks Marco Cantù I have question later with regards to my iOS implementation of this project

    Martijn Coppoolse  I didn't issue a request for permission on anything since the application is not going to access any special part/functionality of the device.

    I'm assuming once you allowed it to install on your device, it would just run. Thanks for the feedback, i will try to check it later.

  3. Jemer Garibay I checked the logcat, but this is all the related info I can find:

    I/ActivityManager(  566): Start proc net.fibon.ScrumPoker for activity net.fibon.ScrumPoker/com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity: pid=12704 uid=10239 gids={1028}
    I/RenderThread( 1090): RenderThread paused, waiting for signal
    D/ActivityThread(12704): setTargetHeapUtilization:0.25
    D/ActivityThread(12704): setTargetHeapIdealFree:8388608
    D/ActivityThread(12704): setTargetHeapConcurrentStart:2097152
    D/dalvikvm(12663): GC_CONCURRENT freed 6290K, 33% free 14560K/21639K, paused 8ms+8ms, total 333ms
    D/Lbe-Sec-Client(12704): init AdBlockClient
    W/ApplicationContext(12704): Unable to create external files directory
    I/ActivityManager(  566): Displayed net.fibon.ScrumPoker/com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity: +824ms
    I/ActivityManager(  566): Process net.fibon.ScrumPoker (pid 12704) has died.
    I/WindowState(  566): WIN DEATH: Window{43b763e8 net.fibon.ScrumPoker/com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity paused=false}
    I/RenderThread( 1090): RenderThread resumed
    W/InputMethodManagerService(  566): Got RemoteException sending setActive(false) notification to pid 12704 uid 10239
    W/WindowManager(  566): Rebuild removed 4 windows but added 3
    W/WindowManager(  566): This window was lost: Window{43b763e8 net.fibon.ScrumPoker/com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity paused=false}
    W/WindowManager(  566): mSession=Session{43b75fc8 uid 10239} mClient=android.os.BinderProxy@43b761a0
    W/WindowManager(  566): mAttrs=WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#110 ty=1 fl=#8010100 extfl=#0 pfl=0x8 fmt=4 wanim=0x1030001}
    W/WindowManager(  566): Requested w=720 h=1280 mLayoutSeq=9597
    W/WindowManager(  566): mBaseLayer=21000 mSubLayer=0 mAnimLayer=21000+0=21000 mLastLayer=21020
    W/WindowManager(  566): mToken=AppWindowToken{439c1050 token=Token{43dba4e0 ActivityRecord{43dba3a0 net.fibon.ScrumPoker/com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity}}}
    W/WindowManager(  566): mRootToken=AppWindowToken{439c1050 token=Token{43dba4e0 ActivityRecord{43dba3a0 net.fibon.ScrumPoker/com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity}}}
    W/WindowManager(  566): mAppToken=AppWindowToken{439c1050 token=Token{43dba4e0 ActivityRecord{43dba3a0 net.fibon.ScrumPoker/com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity}}}
    W/WindowManager(  566): mViewVisibility=0x0 mHaveFrame=true mObscured=true
    W/WindowManager(  566): mSeq=0 mSystemUiVisibility=0x0
    W/WindowManager(  566): mGivenContentInsets=[0,0][0,0] mGivenVisibleInsets=[0,0][0,0]
    W/WindowManager(  566): mConfiguration={1.0 204mcc4mnc nl sw360dp w360dp h615dp nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.36 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0}
    W/WindowManager(  566): mHasSurface=true mShownFrame=[0.0,0.0][720.0,1280.0]
    W/WindowManager(  566): mFrame=[0,0][720,1280] last=[0,0][720,1280]
    W/WindowManager(  566): mSystemDecorRect=[0,0][720,1280] last=[0,0][720,1280]
    W/WindowManager(  566): Frames: containing=[0,0][720,1280] parent=[0,0][720,1280] display=[0,0][720,1280]
    W/WindowManager(  566):     content=[0,50][720,1280] visible=[0,50][720,1280]
    W/WindowManager(  566): Cur insets: content=[0,50][0,0] visible=[0,50][0,0]
    W/WindowManager(  566): Lst insets: content=[0,50][0,0] visible=[0,50][0,0]
    W/WindowManager(  566): mSurface=Surface(name=net.fibon.ScrumPoker/com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity, identity=1567)
    W/WindowManager(  566): mDrawState=HAS_DRAWN mLastHidden=true
    W/WindowManager(  566): Surface: shown=false layer=21020 alpha=1.0 rect=(0.0,0.0) 720.0 x 1280.0
    W/WindowManager(  566): mExiting=true mRemoveOnExit=true mDestroying=false mRemoved=false

  4. can't seem to replicate your problem :( Mind telling me what other settings (maybe security) do you have on your phone?

  5. Hm... It’s a Xiaomi M2A, I wouldn’t know what settings to list here...

  6. Jemer Garibay Very sure I don't have the same problem: the post you linked to is about someone who can't install Google Play. Google Play works fine; it's where I installed your app (and countless others) from. All apps work properly, too; as do the ones I developed myself using XE5.
    It's just your app that bails immediately after launch.

    (I thought of a permissions issue because Brian Long's service demo app also crashed on startup, and it was fixed after he added the write-to-sdcard permission.)


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