You take any care about your Delphi application Memory usage?

You take any care about your Delphi application Memory usage? 
Trying to get back to programming and maybe i'm  bit old fashioned because: 
When I complained about Chrome annoying me using 1.5GB of RAM with only 8 tabs these where the replys here in g+ :

"It's annoying if you don't have RAM to spare "
"Anyone complaining about applications using ram is odd"


  1. I do care (mostly) but when it comes to the "active" languages (such as C# and Java), where they have automatic garbage collection, I think those programmers don't care as much (or don't know better), as it is done for them.

  2. You should always care, good memory management being done the old fashioned way (in other words, properly by the design of the developer) is not only the right way but the sign of a good programmer.

    If you need to use 4gb of ram (I have done in the past) then fine, but you need to know why you need it, where it is going and when it's going to be released.

    Oh. Massive +1 million about chrome ram usage. Especially with g+ open, it's a total hog

  3. Good to hear! Optimized clean data, means also less bugs, i think.
    Even I feel respecting the end user when my application does an adequate uses of his system resources.

  4. The size of the exe is not important. The amount of ram needed to run an application neither provided this is stable. If the required ram grows during program execution, then you have a problem. Memory leaks are frequent but easy to detect using tools such as madExcept and FastMM. Memory fragmentation is more difficult to fight although FastMM does a very good job at minimizing it.

  5. I had one app which would use about 1.8 meg cold (as it were) then go up whilst indexing data, to a peak of about 1.9gb start processing (then data caching might push it to 2.2 gb) only to release every byte before closing all files. If run in Gui mode you could repeat this and always get back to the starting 1.8mb. I was always rather proud of that.

  6. I have several servers (50+) with several services each, all made in Delphi and each service has up to 1000 threads at peak hours, and each server handles more than 10000 faxes a day, so I have to make sure there is no memory leaks. I'm also very proud my services run for months without much supervision and no memory leaks.


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