Delphi IDE XE2 Crash: C0000026 (dbkdebugide160.bpl)

Delphi IDE XE2 Crash: C0000026 (dbkdebugide160.bpl)

Anyone know what causes this crash? Here is madExcept catching it and I've extracted the line from the disassembly.


  1. I remember getting these external exceptions a lot with XE2. The problem turned out to be the bundled edition of AQTime. After I uninstalled it they went away.

  2. Thanks. I will dump that asap. Never really liked it.

  3. Have you installed MS SQL Server Mangement Studio after installing Delphi? On my side this was horrible. IDE always crashed on debugging. I had to deinstall both, then install first Management Studio and then Rad Studio.


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