Why is stackoverflow.com called that? It means that if you are trying to look for answers about an actual stack overflow issue you can't find any because all you get is stackoverflow.com [rant over]

Why is stackoverflow.com called that? It means that if you are trying to look for answers about an actual stack overflow issue you can't find any because all you get is stackoverflow.com [rant over]


  1. They wanted a name that was programming related and happened to know the previous owner of that domain name.



  2. Obviously your search algorithm has a bug and might cause a stack overflow :p

    But seriously are you talking about the google search? You know how to exclude things from the search result with the minus right?

  3. You could use some Google Fu to exclude that site from your results. Type your search as stack overflow -site:stackoverflow.com  Note the minus sign before the site: filter

  4. Everytime I look for something at stackoverflow, I only get deprecated, missleading, incomplete or useless information.

  5. Heinz Toskano YMMV - almost everytime I look for something at stackoverflow I get what I was looking for or at least pointed into the right direction. I just don't ask things there because my google skills are pretty decent. Just answering on my personal Delphi hot topics. :)

  6. Most actual stack overflows are caused (in the few times it has happened to me) by infinite recursion AKA "a big glaring bug that does not take much debugging to find/fix".  I am not sure Stackoverflow (the site) would be of much help :-)

  7. I find stackoverflow one of the most interesting and useful programming related sites on the entire internet. I have yet to ask a question there, though, because most of the time I find it has already been asked.

  8. Daniela Osterhagen Hmm, do you have to ask or has it asked before? confused

  9. I have not asked any question there (didn't even bother to create an account), because all the questions I wanted to ask, were already asked by others and mostly answered.
    That better?

  10. Ok, now I got it (after rereading the originally post I wonder what I missed the first time, might be my braincells being empty for today), thanks ;)

  11. Stefan Glienke sure, many of my google searchs end on stackoverflow, the thing is that when I look first on so I never found what I'm looking for. don't know how to explain why, but google is a better helper.

  12. Oooh a little humorous rant (ok I thought it was Friday) and this whole is spawned. :-)


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