Article on featured XE6 partners.

Article on featured XE6 partners.
"The following Embarcadero Technology Partners are among the first to update their tools and components to support RAD Studio XE6, Delphi XE6 and/or C++Builder XE6 at launch time. These are just some of the many partners who plan to support XE6. "

There also is a partner directory that I can't remember having seen before?


  1. Weird, when I click your link it gives me some API error, when I click the exact same link from the edn article it works.

  2. Weird indeed.  It works if I right-click and open in a new window, but not if I click it directly.

  3. Project Jedi is a "featured technology partner"?

  4. I was wondering more about Nick Hodges on that list because according to the text it's a list of those that are "first to update their tools and components to support RAD Studio XE6". The book is amazing but does it qualify as tool or component?

    Also according to the TP page "Partners need to develop and sell tools, components, and libraries that add value to the Embarcadero family of products." - I am not sure if an open source project meets that requirement.
    If EMBT is also working with open source projects they might correct this page pointing out that it is not only for commercial projects.

    Maybe Marco Cantù can explain a bit :)

  5. I am aware of the roots of project Jedi, but as Stefan Glienkepointed out: It does not meet the requirements stated on the site. Also, GExperts has been a companion of Delphi since at least Delphi 3, was updated to support XE6 within days, but isn't listed.


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