My favorite feature in Delphi XE6?

My favorite feature in Delphi XE6?

  FMX.Types.GlobalUseGPUCanvas := True;

Finally real ClearType font rendering in FireMonkey desktop applications. It's really a difference for me now being able to prevent this typical FireMonkey look in desktop apps. No more blurry fonts and even the jumping characters problem in edit boxes disappeared.

... any many other small but important improvements.

For me it looks the first time like FireMonkey really could be the next serious application development framework to be used by our company.

Rome wasn't built in a day and the same applies to FireMonkey. At least it's quite relieving to see FireMonkey moving into the right direction.


  1. Nice you like it! There is a lot new in FireMonkey, even if a bit hidden...

  2. Fred, don't jump to conclusions!
    Its not ClearType! 
    Take a look more carefully at letters drawing in GPUCanvas mode - compare it with normal windows cleartype or drawing in xe5 directd2d  mode - now they are just agly! In some places they are blurry, in other places they too sharp! Take a look at TArcdial or any shapes - its not antialiased at all in this mode!
    In FM HD app you can set Form's Quality property to Highest, but it don't save situaition.
     Also if you set Direct3d 9 mode (old videocards, GlobalUseDX10 := false) you will see some big artifacts on screen in this mode.
    So, my vertict to GPUCanvas in desctops - still not usable, sorry
    Also one bug from other opera - xe6 fmx win apps still don't minimized to tray when clicking on icon in taskbar - like other win apps do :(

  3. Is the dancing text fixed in this release? (triggered by forcing GDI+ or running on hardware where capabilities forces use of GDI+)

  4. Eric Grange I haven't seen the dancing text in XE6 so far. At least I couldn't reproduce the problem. (tested with the same settings that lead to the dancing text in XE5).

  5. Is there anyway to force the design-time canvas to use ClearType fonts? I'd love to be able to finally see how the runtime looks with non-default font!

  6. Keda_P Perhaps controls is not the right way to go - but rather use a lay a world coordinate system on a bitmap canvas and draw shapes, and use the coordinates to determine where the user presses/clicks.

  7. Keda_P Can you think of any other mobile happ that has 80 controls? I don't think the mobile UIs were designed for that.

  8. Keda_P It looks like you use 80 controls for almost the same type of information, maybe using a listview or grid is the solution for your problem.
    if you are still on XE6 you should have a look at newer versions that provide better support for designing listview items - I guess it was introduced with Delphi Berlin.

  9. Keda_P In this case, rendering HTML could be a solution. - HTML Component Library for Delphi - Home has also FMX controls for HTML rendering.

  10. Keda_P Under "Download" you can find some demos incl compiled FMX demos for desktop and Android. The library is not free.


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