A response from a Dinosaur...

A response from a Dinosaur...

Originally shared by Michael Riley

I am one of those Dinosaurs. I am a self-taught Delphi programmer (I actually started with Turbo Pascal 3). Until about two years ago my thought process was I must build everything I can by myself. I am One-Person Part-Time Micro ISV (OPPTMISV). 

I have a library of approximately 80 Delphi/Pascal books. Google, SO and the web didn't exist when I started programming. It was a lonely and challenging place for individual programmers like me. To learn new concepts you spent hours in the book store looking for answers before buying yet another book that duplicated 90% of all the other books. There were also bulletin boards and newsgroups but the interaction was not instantaneous like it is today. Hell, finding like-minded and like-skillset people was a challenge in and of itself. I dare you to go one week with out googling for an answer. I bet you can't do it. :-)

I'm a die-hard Delphi guy. I have a constant love-hate relationship with Delphi. I also have a full-time day job so my Delphi time is at night and on weekends. I stopped programming in Delphi for about 8+ years (long story).. I came back to Delphi about 3 years ago. I was immediately overwhelmed. When I took my absence from Delphi I was on Delphi 5 Enterprise and when I came back I purchased Delphi 2010 Professional. Talk about a change.

I have been struggling to get current. However, since coming back to Delphi I have a brand new sense of amazement. For me, it's as if I have been given a second chance to do this Delphi thing all over again. It's like all those times you said "Damn, if I could go back and do (fill-in-the-blank) I'd do it like this. That's me. That's where I'm at. It's great.

Today, and I literally mean 05/25/2014, I purchased Alister Christie's video "Building Applications in Delphi with the VCL Part 1". I am having such a blast learning, I mean really deep down learning, Delphi all over again. I've got two software products out there that I've been selling since 1991. I totally need to get them updated. 

I'm truly blessed because I really have been given a second chance to do #Delphi   all over again. This is one Dinosaur that is not extinct! 
